Buying a home in Savannah for your college-aged student might be a smarter financial decision than renting. Owning property not only offers stable housing for your student but can also build equity, provide potential tax benefits, and even generate rental income. Discover the advantages of investing in real estate for your student’s college years and why it could be a long-term asset for your family.
Read MoreAn increase in rates will cost you more, yes, but it may not be as much as you think…
Read MoreHeard of house hacking? Yes, no, maybe so? In short, it’s this: Finding ways to make money with your home.
Read MoreAre you thinking about investing in real estate in 2022? It may be the perfect year to purchase a rental property, a vacation home, or to flip houses. I would be happy to help you find the perfect investment property, and I’ve put together this list of tips to help you get the best return on your investment.
Read MoreFirst of all, I'm not sure who really believes real estate is a bad investment, but I wanted to share with you 4 reasons investing in real estate can be great!
Read MoreI’ve recently had the pleasure of working with several buyers who are interested in making an investment in Savannah. One stroll down one of beautiful oak lined streets, dripping with spanish moss and it’s hard not to fall in love and want to have a place of your own here. A lot goes into the decision to purchase an investment, let me help you do your due diligence.
Read MoreMost people cringe at the thought of buying a home in December. Only the Grinch would want to pack up and moving during the holiday season! But hold on Cindy Lou Hoo, there are several reasons December can be a great time to buy.
Read MoreI love working with first-time home buyers. Helping you find your first home, learning the home buying process and guiding you from house-hunting to move-in day gives me the warm fuzzies. Here are three things you should know before you start looking.
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